No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Yoichi Nukumizu

Bibiru Ōki

Shiro Tsubuyaki

Chase the Kraken Monster!



Wacky TV Ships Out!

Voyage! On the Good Ship Cost Performance

Staying Healthy! With the Unmotivated Adventurers

A Slice of Heaven! Blissing Out Inside a Whale

Defend With Your Lives! The Mini Golden Time Slot

Super Deluxe! -5G Communications

Rescue! Sea-Sent SOS

Captured! Terror Aboard the Pirate Ship

Streaming! Shipboard Side Hustle Habits

President! A Hard Cash Negotiation

Arrival! A Rampaging Giant Lifeform

Eggplant! The Unrivaled Director

Survival! Twenty Years' Vacation

Land Ho! Nanaoka's Expedition Crew

Romance! The Mysterious Shared House

Arrival! His First Popular Phase

Order In! Popular Lunch Delivery

Octopus! Hachiro's Pub

Direct Hit! The Octopus Hunter

Turbo! Master Takohashi's Adventure Island

Sacrifice! The Siren That Tempts the Monster

Entertainment! The Kraken Family

Likeness Rights! The Mysterious Giant Organization

Exclusive! The Wacky TV Fireworks Festival