No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Hiroaki Hirata

Masakazu Morita

Go Inoue

Kenjiro Tsuda

Mariya Ise




Tiger tries to rebuild his image with Bunny at his side as the pair saves Stern Bild from animated statues, a pyromaniac and the psychotic Mad Bear.


All's Well That Ends Well

A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending.

Many a True Word is Spoken in Jest

Fear is Often Greater Than the Danger

Go for Broke!

Fire is a Good Servant But a Bad Master

The Wolf Knows What the Foul Beast Thinks

There is Always a Next Time

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child

The Calm Before the Storm

The Die is Cast

Take Heed of the Snake in the Grass

Confidence is a Plant of Slow Growth

Love Is Blind

The Sky's the Limit ...

Truth Lies at the Bottom of the Well

Blood is Thicker Than Water

Ignorance is Bliss

There's No Way Out

Full of Courtesy, Full of Craft.

Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Bad Luck Often Brings Good Luck

Misfortunes Never Come Singly

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained.

Eternal Immortality.