No. of Episodes:


Starring :




Good Night

Watching TV

Jumping Bart

Babysitting Maggie

The Pacifier

Burping Contest

Dinner Time

Making Faces

The Funeral

Maggie's Brain


House of Cards

Bart and Homer's Dinner

Space Patrol

Bart's Haircut

World War III

The Perfect Crime

Scary Stories

Grampa and the Kids

Gone Fishin' (Sort of)


The Pagans


The Aquarium

Family Portrait

Bart's Hiccups

The Money Jar

The Art Museum

Zoo Story

Shut Up, Simpsons

Shell Game

The Bart Simpson Show

Punching Bag

Simpsons Christmas

The Krusty the Clown Show

Bart the Hero

Bart's Little Fantasy

Scary Movie

Home Hypnotism


Echo Canyon


Bart's Nightmare

Bart of the Jungle

Family Therapy

Maggie in Peril (1)

Maggie in Peril (The Thrilling Conclusion) (2)

TV Simpsons

Homer and Bart Visit the NFL on FOX

Springfield's Most Wanted

The Simpsons' Christmas Message

A Culture Show Special

The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special in 3-D on Ice

Access All Areas

Mischief And Mayhem

Celebrity Friends

Trumptastic Voyage

The Debateful Eight

3 a.m.

Donald Trump's First 100 Days In Office

125 Days: Donald Trump Makes One Last Try To Patch Things Up With Comey

Mueller Meets Trump

A Tale of Two Trumps

West Wing Story

Homer Votes 2012

Mr. Burns Endorses Romney

Fiscal Cliff

Maggie Sucks


Ice Bucket Challenge

Willie's Views On Scottish Independence

Marge Simpson's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Join The Simpsons at the Daytona 500

Pokémon Now?

Homer from the Green Room at San Diego Comic-Con 2016

Homer Votes 2016

Happy Daytona Day!

Moe Live Tweets!

A Public Announcement About the Eclipse

A Message from Moe About Puerto Rico