No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Red Skelton

Season 17



For Better or Worse Like George Appleby Got

The Seven Ages of Man

Saddle Sores on the Old Corral

The Spy with the Leaky Mouth

Where There’s Smoke, There’s a Dragon

A Spy Is a Peeping Tom on Salary

Clothes Make the Bum

A New York Stripper Is Not Always a Steak

Hippie Days Are Here Again

The Bear Was a Barefaced Liar

Climb Upon My Knee, Dummy Boy

Red’s Relatives

Little Old Rainmaker: Me

He Who Steals My Dump Steals Trash

Marriage Is Made in Heaven and Las Vegas

A Christmas Urchin

When East Meets West, You Need a New Compass

Red Skelton One-Man Show

Dial M for Moron

Fairy Tales for Old Children

Love Is an Itch You Can’t Scratch

Sheriffs Are Bought, Not Made

Cauliflower Ears That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-La

United Nations Second Show

I Never Met a Pig I Didn’t Like

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of George Appleby

San Fernando: Man with a Heart of Stolen Gold

The Pied-Eyed Piper

The Love Bug’ll Getcha If You Don’t Use DDT

Episode 30

Rings on Her Fingers Also Go Through Your Nose