No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Jon Stewart

Wyatt Cenac

Samantha Bee

Adrianne Frost

Bob Wiltfong

Season 10



Paul Giamatti

Don Cheadle

Howard Zinn

John Grisham

Samuel Jackson

Dennis Quaid

Annette Benning

Brian Ross

Jim Wallis

Michael Beschloss

Joe Lieberman

Richard Viguerie

Seymour Hersh

John Leguizamo

Christine Todd Whitman

Fareed Zakaria

Paula Abdul

Anderson Cooper

Joe Klein

Redmond O'Hanlon

Eric Idle

Alan Cumming

Mark Mills

Rachel Weisz

Peter Jennings

Christina Ricci

Ben Nelson

Nancy Soderberg

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Ari Fleischer

Melissa Boyle Mahle

Brian Williams

Bruce Willis

Paul Krugman

Harry Frankfurt

Tom Fenton

Rev. Al Green

Craig Ferguson

Sandra Bullock

Catherine Keener

Ozzy Osbourne


Reggie Miller

Thomas Friedman

Matthew McConaughey

Drew Barrymore

Byron York

Senator Bob Dole

John P. Avlon

David Duchovny

Robert Reich

Sarah Vowell

Dennis Miller

Reza Aslan

Floyd Abrams

Ice Cube

Christina Hoff Sommers

Steve Levitt

Zell Miller

Christiane Amanpour

Martin Short

Tom Ridge

Kathleen Turner

Wanda Sykes

Al Roker

Tracey Ullman

Gerald Posner

Bo Bice

Russell Crowe

Newt Gingrich

Steven Johnson

Colin Powell

Matt Lauer

Larry Diamond

Will Ferrell

Flynt Leverett

Kenneth Timmerman

Ringo Starr

Dwight Yoakam

Bill Moyers

Howard Dean

Hanna Rosin

Morgan Spurlock

Marci Hamilton

Matt Taibbi

Bernard Goldberg

Michael Isikoff

Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein

Billy Bob Thornton

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Fareed Zakaria

Senator Rick Santorum

Diane Lane

Bob Costas

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Senator Joe Biden

John Crawford

Miles O'Brien

Paul Rudd

Kate Hudson

John Hockenberry

Andre Benjamin

Steve Carell

Seymour Hersh

John Irving

John Richardson

Chris Wallace

Rachel Weisz

Sen. Trent Lott

Christopher Hitchens

Dr. Marc Siegel

Samuel L. Jackson

Brian Williams

Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report - Day 1

Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report - Day 2

Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report - Day 3

Evolution Schmevolution: A Daily Show Special Report - Day 4

Alan Alda

Ricky Gervais

George Clooney

Dr. Irwin Redlener

Viggo Mortensen

Jeff Garlin

Sen. Chuck Schumer

David Rakoff

Cameron Diaz

Senator John Edwards

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Dolly Parton

Bill O'Reilly

Louis Freeh

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Bill Kristol

Al Franken

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Janis Karpinski

D.L. Hughley

Sen. Barbara Boxer

Mike Wallace

Robert Ray

Sen. Barack Obama

Sen. John McCain

Keira Knightley

Chris Elliott

Martha Stewart

Rosario Dawson

John Hodgman

Richard Clarke

Adrien Brody

Peggy Noonan

Nancy Pelosi

The White Stripes

President Jimmy Carter

Michelle Yeoh

David McCullough

Ken Auletta

Howard Stern

Tom Brokaw

Sarah Jessica Parker