No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Kenichi Matsuyama

Kiichi Nakai

Shota Matsuda

Arata Iura

Fumiyo Kohinata

Season 1



Two Fathers (ふたりの父)

The Villain Takeheita (無頼の高平太)

Son of Two Clans (源平の御曹司)

Court Assassination (殿上の闇討ち)

Crush the Pirates (海賊討伐)

The Pirate King of the Western Seas (西海の海賊王)

The Unshining Prince (光らない君)

Currency and the Minister (宋銭と内大臣)

The Two Outcasts (ふたりのはみだし者)

Norikiyo's Fall (義清散る)

A Monster's Tears (もののけの涙)

A Fateful Reunion (宿命の再会)

The Gion Incident (祇園闘乱事件)

Iemori Rises (家盛決起)

Chaos in the Clan (嵐の中の一門)

Goodbye, Father (さらば父上)

The Heike’s Leader (平氏の棟梁)

Emperor Go-Shirakawa (誕生、後白河帝)

Toba's Will (鳥羽院の遺言)

Prior Night's Decision (前夜の決断)

he Hogen Rebellion (保元の乱)

The Price of the Victory (勝利の代償)

Killing My Uncle (叔父を斬る)

Kiyomori’s First (清盛の大一番)

Unfulfilled Dreams (見果てぬ夢)

Heiji Rebellion (平治の乱)

A Fated Showdown (宿命の対決)

A Friend’s Son, A Friend’s Wife (友の子、友の妻)

Shigeko's Wedding (滋子の婚礼)

The Heike's Sutra (平家納経)

Prisoner in Izu (伊豆の流人)

Chief Minister for 100 Days (百日の太政大臣)

Kiyomori's 50th Birthday (清盛、五十の宴)

Shirakawa's Message (白河院の伝言)

Fukuhara, my Capital (わが都、福原)

A Great Man's Shadow (巨人の影)

The Riding Incident (殿下乗合事件)

Not a Heike, Not a Person (平家にあらずんば人にあらず)

Usagimaru Mortified (兎丸無念)

A Short Song (はかなき歌)

How the Dice Rolls (賽(さい)の目の行方)

Shishigatani Conspiracy (鹿ヶ谷の陰謀)

Loyalty or Filial Piety (忠と孝のはざまで)

The view from there (そこからの眺め)

Prince Mochihito's Command (以仁王の令旨)

Yoritomo Rebels (頼朝挙兵)

Defeat of fate (宿命の敗北)

Illusionary Capital (幻の都)

When the Game Ends (双六が終わるとき)

Were we Born to Play? (遊びをせんとや生まれけむ)