No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Chiwa Saito

Jouji Nakata

Akiko Hiramatsu

Takeshi Kusao

Houko Kuwashima

Season 1



I Am Sergeant Keroro! / Sergeant Keroro Rising

Momoka & Tamama Move Out! / Momoka & Tamama: Operation Overload the Hinatas

Keroro's Critical Point Breached! / Keroro's Secret Mission Begins

Giroro: The Most Dangerous Man in the Universe / Keroro: Rain with a Slight Chance of a Dangerous Man

The Song of Men Who Love Their Toys

Momoka's Romantic Plan on the South Seas / Momoka's Spooky Plan on the South Seas

Mois: My First Destruction of Earth / Tamama vs. Mois: Tamama Loses

Keroro: Invasion Status is Never Better / Keroro: Building a Base for Dummies

Natsumi: Where Love Blooms, Kululu Looms / Hinata Aki: A Dynamite Woman

Face-off! Decisive Battle Over Molar-3

The Keroro Platoon Appears on TV

Sumomo: A Pop Star Travels Across Space / Giroro: A Small Angel on the Battlefield

Dororo: The Forgotten Warrior / Dororo & Koyuki: Friendship, How Beautiful It Is

The Five Assemble! Probably The Longest Day

Momoka: The Dark Momoka Descends / Dark Momoka: The Lie Behind the Lie

Mois: Dark Mois Descends / Mois: More and Mois Mayhem

Keroro vs. Natsumi: The Great Battle in the Water / Fuyuki: Welcome to Horror World

Natsumi: Hilarity! Adult Beachside Story

Keroro vs. Natsumi: The Ultimate Showdown at a Festival / Keroro: A Radio to Invade Your Ears

Fuyuki Meets a Girl / Fuyuki: The Ambassador of Nontolma

Keroro's Energy-Saving Invasion / Keroro's Countryside Exploration

Tamama: I'll be the Leader from Now On

Panic! The Hinata Household's Wildest Day Ever

Keroro: The Noble but Poor Space Detectives / 556: How to Become an Action Star

Momoka: Love, Youth and a Hectic Getaway

Keroro: Everyone Unite! Let's Conquer Sports Day

Keroro's Father's Coming and Father's Leaving / Keroro: Hot Spring, Go! Go! Go! Sir!

Keroro: Snowball Fight Survival / Kululu's Kukuku & Ku

Natsumi & Koyuki's Youthful Energy on Stage / Keroro: The Scoop is No Good

Tamama: The Boy Who Came From Planet Keron / Momoka Wants a Nice Body

Keroro Can't Find the Way Home

Keroro: A Whole Bunch of Animal Soldiers / Giroro: The Cat Wants to Speak

The Keroro Platoon Invades Pekopon with Anime

Momoka vs. Koyuki: Battle for Hot Springs / Keroro & Fuyuki: Let's Take It Easy

Top Secret! Natsumi's Surprise Birthday Party

Keroro's Desperate Struggle! Sergeant vs. General Winter / Fuyuki: Nishizawa-san's Oustranding Coincidence

Dororo: Come to My Ninja School / Keroro's Dinosaur

Giroro: The Mobile Soldier in Love / Giroro vs. Natsumi: The Encounter

Keroro: Operation Christmas / Keroro: Taking Charge of Year-end Housecleaning

Mois: Or, Like, Happy New Year, Sir? / Keroro: New Year's Food is Also Good, but Don't Forget Your Homework

Keroro: The Glory of Sugoroku / Dororo's Blood is Really Boiling

Keroro: The Red-blooded Keroro Platoon / Tamama: The Friendship Jealousy Shot

Giroro: No Tears for the Red Oni / Giroro: Let Setsubun Fly

Keroro vs. Fuyuki: A Sports Showdown / Kululu vs. Aki: A Devastating Assault Robot Battle

Keroro's Instant Dumplings of Love / Natsumi & Momoka: Commence Operation V for Valentine

Keroro: Have You Been Forgotten, Sir?

Natsumi: Preserve Girls' Day / Keroro: It's an Afro, Myoww

Keroro Platoon: Mission on a Fine Spring Day / Fuyuki: Resident Idle Rescue Mission

Kululu: How to Succeed in the Universe / Momoka: W(hite)-Day:Operation Pinnacle

Natsumi: The Fiery Warrior of Earth / Giroro: If I Don't Do It, Who Will?

The Keroro Platoon Retreats! Farewell, Pekopon