No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Redd Foxx

Demond Wilson

Whitman Mayo

Don Bexley

Nathaniel Taylor

Season 3



Lamont as Othello

Libra Rising All Over Lamont

Fred, the Reluctant Fingerman

Presenting the Three Degrees

This Little TV Went to Market

Lamont is That You?

Fuentes, Fuentes, Sanford & Chico


The Members of the Wedding (a.k.a.) The Engagement

The Blind Mellow Jelly Collection (a.k.a.) The Chameleon

A House is Not a Poolroom

Grady, the Star Boarder

Wine, Women and Aunt Esther (a.k.a.) Leaving the Nest

Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe

Fred Sanford, Legal Eagle

This Land is Whose Land?

Fred's Cheating Heart

The Party Crasher

Lamont Goes Karate

Will the Real Fred Sanford Please Do Something?

Tyranny, Thy Name is Grady

Aunt Esther and Uncle Woodrow Pffttt . . .

The Way to Lamont's Heart

Hello, Cousin Emma . . . Goodbye, Cousin Emma