No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Matt Hullum

Jason Saldaña

Gustavo Sorola

Burnie Burns

Joel Heyman

Season 3



The third season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and part of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. The universe is in chaos, and the final hope for humanity is two-thousand years in the past with a fast-talking computer that loves knock-knock jokes. What could possibly go wrong?


Best Laid Plans

Visiting Old Friends

Let's Get Together

You're The Bomb, Yo

Make Your Time

We Must Rebuild

New Toys

The Greatest Episode Ever

We're Being Watched

It's A Biological Fact

Heavy Metal

Roaming Charges

Silver Linings

Episode 50 Part 2

Have We Met?

Come To Order

Hello My Name Is Andrew

Defusing The Situation

Calm Before The Storm

The Storm