No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Matt Hullum

Jason Saldaña

Gustavo Sorola

Burnie Burns

Joel Heyman

The Shisno Paradox



The award-winning, longest-running web series Red vs. Blue returns with season 16. Picking up in the moments after the conclusion of season 15, Red vs. Blue returns with a new saga, pitting the characters against powerful new foes and launching them back into an epic adventure unlike any other in the show’s history Red vs. Blue is back! A simple trip to lunch triggers an epic quest full of new enemies, allies, betrayals, and stuffed crust in… ‘The Shisno Paradox,’! Red vs Blue returns with the opening chapter of a brand new saga. With the present and future in peril, the Reds and Blues only have one place to go...


The Shisno

Incendiary Incidents

Lost Time

Sis and Tuc's Sexellent Adventure


A Pizza the Action

It Just Winked At Me


Walk and Talk

Caboose's Travels

Sword Loser


A Time For Hammers

Lights Out
