No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Matt Hullum

Jason Saldaña

Gustavo Sorola

Burnie Burns

Joel Heyman

Season 1



The first season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and part of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. A gruff sergeant. An unlucky ghost. A psychotic mercenary. A sarcastic slacker. An unrepentant kiss-up. Two morons. A tank with impeccable manners. And a robot stuck on the Spanish setting... War is hell.


Why Are We Here?

Red Gets A Delivery

The Rookies

Head Noob in Charge

The Package is in the Open

1.21 Giga-Whats??

Check Out the Treads on that Chick

Dont PH34R the Reaper

After Church

Shadow Of His Former Self

Knock Knock. Who's There? Pain

Down, But Not Out

Human Peer Bonding

Roomier Than It Looks

How The Other Half Lives

A Slightly Crueler Cruller

Points of Origin


Last One Out, Hit The Lights