No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Adrian Truss

Alex Hood

Alexander Conti

Colin Fox

David Huband

Season 3



The Sounds of Silence Part 1 / The Sounds of Silence Part 2

The Tooth, the Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth / The Winter of Quack's Discontent

Nosing Around / The Last Straw

The Disappearing Drink / Door Tour

In a Bind / Star Light, Star Bright

Big Bird / Chirp Flies the Coop

Bedtime Story / The Deep Duck Woods

I Spy a Spider / Robin in the Bat Cave

Marble Mover / Fair Shares

The Feats of Peep / Quack goes Nuts

Big Bird

Chirp Flies the Coop

Bedtime Story

The Deep Duck Woods

I Spy a Spider

Robin in the Bat Cave

Marble Mover

Fair Shares

The Feats of Peep

Quack goes Nuts