No. of Episodes:


Starring :




Magic Is Coming

The Price of Magic

Journey to Neverland

Wicked Is Coming

Storybrooke Has Frozen Over

Secrets of Storybrooke

Dark Swan Rises: A Once Upon a Time Fan Celebration

Evil Reigns Once More

The Final Battle Begins

Fairy Tales in the Modern World

Building Character

Welcome to Storybrooke

The Story I Remember... Snow White

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S1)

Season 1 Deleted Scenes

Good Morning Storybrooke

A Fractured Family Tree

Sincerely, Hook

Girl Power

Fastest Bloopers of Them All (S2)

Season 2 Deleted Scenes

Wicked Villains

The Tale of Ariel

The Writer's Room

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S3)

Season 3 Deleted Scenes

Comic-Con Meets Ariel

Defrosting Frozen

Behind the Magic Tour

Three Who Stayed

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S4)

Season 4 Deleted Scenes

Tales from the Underworld: A Knight with Cruella

Merida in Storybrooke

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S5)

Season 5 Deleted Scenes

Once Celebrates One Hundred

The Storybrooke Songbook: Inside the Musical Episode

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S6)

Season 6 Deleted Scenes

And They Lived Happily Ever After

Capturing Magic: Lana's Directing Debut

The Fairest Bloopers of Them All (S7)

Season 7 Deleted Scenes