No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Season 7



Where Will Divided America Go from Here? US Midterm Elections 2022

The Red Way: The Making of a Third Term

A Voice to the Voiceless

Why I'm at War

End-of-Life Guardians

Raising a Family on Cat Island

Blues from the Obscure

Steve Jobs and Japan


Taiwan's Windy Frontline Islands

Voices of Tohoku: What We Want From Reconstruction

A Director's War: Fighting for Ukraine from Japan

Return to an Abandoned Village: 50 Years in Tsubayama

ISSEY MIYAKE: The Human Inside the Clothes

Prayers of a Thousand Years

Women on the Front Line: 15% of Japan's Politicians

The Unknown Master of Restoration Episode 2

Ukraine's Nuclear Dilemma

Staging Shared Memories —Yu Miri and Young Fukushima Actors—

On the Frontlines of Myanmar's Civil War

Walking a Tightrope: The Filmmaker Yang Yonghi

The Day I Gave Up My Daughter

Piano Girl

The Falconer's Legacy

Finding My Mirror