No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Don Wildman

Alan B. Carr

Season 7



Brassiere Brigade, Flight for Life, Connecticut Haunting

Circling the Skies, Lady & the Panda, 12 Years a Slave

Love Canal, Duquesne Spy Ring, Survival in the Colonies

Doyle & Houdini, the Poison Squad, the Great Imposter

Tootsie Roll Miracle, Singing Convict, Operation Paperclip

Radioactive Boy Scout, Match of the Century, Four Corners Outbreak

Nazi Art Hoax, Hunger Strike, Skull in the Ashes

Dare to Dream, Mail Missile, Child Warrior

Robber's Bride, The Night Disco Exploded, Escape By Sea

Dramatic Defection, Wrong Way Flight, Cowboy's Revenge

Kiss that Saved a Million Lives, Heist of the Century, Lorenzo's Oil

Porcelain Twins, The Warden's Wife, Lost City of Atlantis

Dial M for Missing, $7 Renoir, Secret in the Attic