No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Don Wildman

Season 4



Niagara Falls Daredevil, Accidental Nuclear Bomb, Railroad Heroine

MGM Fire, UFO Car, Prophecy Sword

Prophet of Oak Ridge, Human Scalp, Mothman

Trunk of Horrors, Russian Roswell, Baby Incubators

Leopold and Loeb, U2 Spy, Chewing Gum

Buried Alive, Mauve, Crash at Crush

St. Francis Dam, Philly the Dog, Suicide Table

Sheppton Mine Disaster, Shark Attack, Erie Collar Bomb

Cleveland’s Tumor, Man-Eating Lions, Meteorite

Santa Claus Heist, Long Island Heiress, Papago Park

The Conqueror's Curse, Play-Doh, Poe Murder

Patience Worth, Space Monkey, Absinthe

Great Train Robbery, Phoenix Lights, Sea Serpent