No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Naoto Takenaka

Yasuko Sawaguchi

Tetsuya Watari

Masanobu Takashima

Etsuko Ichihara

Season 1



The Child of the Sun

Miracle at Okehazama

The Bride of Fate

The Golden Brothers

The Price of a Man

The Overnight Castle

Wife's Secret

The Unknown Face of Hanbei

Monkey's Disturbance

An Affair

Absolute Desperation

The Burning of Mount Hiei

Confidential Information

The Fall of Otani Castle

The Skull Cup

The Hidden Child is Found!

The Two Mothers

The Fate of Seppuku

The Father Leaves

The Strategist's Requirements

The Weight of Life

Mother's Crucifixion

Hanbei's Death

On the Edge

Going to the Hot Springs

The Largest Year-End Gift in History

The Arrival of Mitsunari

Water-Siege of Takamatsu Castle

The Enemy is Honnō-ji

The Death of Nobunaga

The Path to the Realm

Inheriting the Dream

Mitsuhide's Head

Woman's Capture of the Realm

Beautiful Assassin

Ieyasu vs Hideyoshi

The Ruler's Mischief

The Golden Tea Room

Mother, Hostage


Episode 41

Episode 42

Episode 43

Episode 44

Episode 45

Episode 46

Episode 47

Episode 48

Episode 49