No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Will Lyman

Judy Woodruff

Season 4



Hostage in Iran

Sue the Doctor?

Growing Up Poor

Russia-Love It or Leave It

Tobacco on Trial

Divorce Wars

Who's Running this War?

AIDS: a National Inquiry

Standoff in Mexico

Inside the Jury Room

Taxes Behind Closed Doors

The Disillusionment of David Stockman

Visions of Star Wars

Hollywood Dreams

The Bloods of 'Nam

A Matter of the Mind

Holy War, Holy Terror

Will There Always Be an England?

Assault on Affirmative Action

Comrades I: The Education of Rita

Comrades II: Hunter and Son

Comrades III: All that Jazz

Comrades IV: The Trial of Tamara Russo

Comrades V: Master of Samarkand

Comrades VI: Pacific Outpost

Comrades VII: Steel Mill Soccer

Comrades VIII: Doctor in Moscow

Comrades IX: Baltic Chic

Comrades X: Soldier Boy

Comrades XI: October Harvest

Comrades XII: Leningrad Movie