No. of Episodes:


Starring :

Peter Thomas

M. William Phelps

Season 13



Frozen Assets

House Hunting

Shoot to Thrill

Political Thriller

Double Cross

Dancing with the Devil

Last Dance

Constructive Criticism

Home Evasion

Window Watcher

Stranger in the Night


Sands of Crime

Calculated Coincidence

Sworded Scheme


Fashion Police

Church Dis-service

Seedy Intentions

DNA Dragnet

Smiley Face

Dirty Laundry

Drowning Sorrows

As Fault

Family Ties

Trouble Brewing

Holy Terror

Needle in a Haystack

Room with a View

Dollars and Sense

Hair Line

All That Glitters is Gold

Deadly Rebellion

Sign of the Crime

Covet Thy Neighbor

Writing on the Wall

Hundreds of Reasons

Cold Feet

Separation Anxiety

Office Visit

Palm Saturday

Shoe-In for Murder

Family Interrupted

Runaway Love

Watchful Eye

Waste Mis-Management

Dirty Little Secret

Lights Out

Pet Rock

Best Foot Forward